A list of Resources

Here is a list of useful resources for your information. Continue to check this page for changes, as we may add or remove resources in the future.

Ottawa Academy of Psychology www.ottawa-psychologists.org
College of Psychologists of Ontario www.cpo.on.ca
Ontario Psychological Association www.psych.on.ca
Canadian Psychological Association www.cpa.ca
American Psychological Association www.apa.org
Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Therapies www.aabt.org
Mental Health Resources in Ottawa www.ementalhealth.ca/site/ottawa/
Ottawa Psychiatric Referral Service 613-733-3219
Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario www.ldao.ca
Ottawa Academy of Psychology               www.ottawa-psychologists.org
Anxiety Disorders Association of Ontario     www.anxietydisordersontario.ca
Hopewell Eating Disorders Centre       www.hopewell.ca